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SHFE falls to three-month lows, LME to one-month lows amid demand contraction


1. LME prices remain near one-month lows as range trading mode continues.

2. China’s aluminum price falls to new three-month lows amid demand contraction conditions.

3. ALERT! – US WIRE ROD. 2024 BIZ ALMOST DONE: US EC rod 2024 contractual negotiations mostly over, with... cent/lb decline and domestic suppliers prevailing.

4. ALERT! – GREEN AND SCRAP. SORTING INVESTMENT: Hydro and Padnos embark on US scrap sorting JV to increase post-consumer scrap intake.

For more details and the latest developments in the Green Aluminum market, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “Green Aluminum Monitor” reports.

5. ALERT! – US SCRAP WHEELS. REBOUND: US scrap wheels crack the one-dollar mark again.

For more details, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence” report.

6. LME Cash-3M contango holds near the widest in three months.