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LME price falls further amid inventory buildups; European billet premiums fall to three-year lows


1. LME price retreats further and reaches $... per mton zone.

2. China’s aluminum price down to two-week lows below... yuan per mton.

3. ALERT! – EUROPEAN BILLET. FREE FALL CONTINUES: European billet premiums reach a three-year low.

To see our full European Billet Market Intel and Premiums assessment, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “European Billet Intelligence” reports.

4. ALERT! – EUROPE SCRAP. LOOKING FOR HOMES IN AMERICA: European secondaries look to the US/Mex for alloy homes.

For more details, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “Europe Scrap Intelligence” reports.

5. ALERT! - MEXICO SECONDARY ALLOY. MATING SEASON UNFOLDING: A380 negotiations for 2024 business gain traction.

For more details, subscribe to HARBOR’s specialized “US and Mexico Aluminum Scrap Intelligence” report.

6. LME Cash-3M contango remains tight despite LME inventory inflows (bearish premiums).